Logo Making Tutorials

As a web designer under a company in our local hometown, one of my usual problems is how to design a logo that will represent what the website or business really is about. You might be asking why I have that type of problem since I'm a designer? Well, I have two jobs in the same company, so, designing would be something I'd do if ever my boss asks me to do something for a client; meaning, not too often. My main job is optimizing.

That aside, I'll go running for Google's help and search for websites that can help me with the said problem. Until recently, someone followed me on Twitter and somehow became the answer to my prayers.

Let me introduce to you, Logo Wish - a blog that has a proud collection of tutorials, freebies, tips and logo inspiration gallery. If you're a logo designer, you can submit your creations to the website and might be able to make it to their awards.

What I love about Logo Wish is that it's easy to navigate and it doesn't have a lot of website tangles - very easy on the eyes.And, of course, the freebie is one of the things that I love about this website.Not only does Logo Wish discuss about logos but it also tackles on random stuff that you should know about and get website inspiration from.

This is one of the websites that I'd like to recommend to my friends who are aspiring logo designers because the tips and tutorials cover on topics that are very much essential for your designing needs.


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